Product News
DALI2 DINrail 4 Universe DALI Controller
Monday 5th March, 2018
The SCMD4 is a 4 universe DALI-2 controller enabling dimming and switching of up to 256 individual addressable DALI devices including luminaires and Eaton DALI relays.

The SCMD4 is a 4 universe DALI-2 controller enabling dimming and switching of up to 256 individual addressable DALI devices including luminaires and Eaton DALI relays.
Eaton DALI multisensors and control panels can be added to the DALI universes creating a complete DALI solution. Each DALI universe supports up to 64 groups and can monitor the performance of DALI addressable devices and report status back through iCANnet. Emergency light tests and reporting can also be instigated through this versatile lighting controller.
SCMD4 features direct DMX and RS485 control allowing the unit to be integrated with other systems. The switch inputs provide connection to fire or security systems or the use of remote switches and sensors. Additional switches and sensors can be connected onto the iCANnet™ network using iLight’s wide range of interfaces.
The compact design of SCMD4 delivers system flexibility as well as reducing installation costs and space used. Being part of the iLight system, it can be seamlessly integrated into flexible architectural lighting schemes with any type of lighting load for commercial and redidential applications. Integration with Building Management Systems allows for centralised control and management of the lighting system.